Since 1977, Drach Market Research has been devoted to providing investors with data and statistical applications to aid in portfolio management.  Our approaches place an emphasis on acquiring equity in quality companies at a discount, and are designed with a goal of reducing risk versus traditional indexing.  We like to think of ourselves as conservative contrarians. 

Founded by Robert F. Drach, the Drach Market Research weekly newsletter tracks our core strategy, Time Overlay.  The weekly report has been published without interruption since our inception, guiding investors over the course of four decades, multiple market crashes, seven Presidencies and seven Federal Reserve chairs.

Since Mr. Drach's passing in 2012, the newsletter has been written by his son, Robert B. Drach, CFA. In addition to writing the Drach Market Research weekly newsletter, Robert runs an asset management firm, Drach Advisors, which he founded in 2006.  There he adapts the equity strategies pioneered by his father to meet the needs of his clients.

Robert serves as an Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting at Maine Maritime Academy, has been a speaker with investment groups across the country, and has been featured in investment articles for the Wall Street Journal and US News. 

Robert F. Drach spent over 30 years as a regularly scheduled Market Monitor on PBS's Nightly Business Report.  His educational model portfolio was a feature of the Nightly Business Report website from 1995-2013. This Basic Timing model portfolio, can now be followed right here.

Mr. Drach was also the co-author of the currently out-of-print High-Return Low-Risk Investment book series (McGraw Hill).


Perfectly Fine Five +258%

S&P 500 TR +166%

Since Inception 8/4/2017

Updated 10/11/2024

Subscribers, follow the PF5 portfolio here.

Learn more about the portfolio here.

Basic Timing Model Portfolio +945%

S&P 500 +1018%

Since Inception 5/5/1995

Updated 10/11/2024

Follow the Basic Timing portfolio here.

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